0800 DIGGER ldh@ldh.co.nz
Are your prices negotiable?
Our pricing is set to be better than the competition and provided with a superior service and better quality of machine. For this reason our prices are set and not negotiable.
Do I need to refuel and clean the Digger?

Yes. The machine will be full of DIESEL and clean on delivery. Please use the fuel can supplied to refuel the digger at the end of hire. Fuel can also be left in the container for the operator to refuel. The digger MUST be cleaned and returned in the condition it arrived in. A charge will apply to all cleaning and refueling required.

If we have to refuel we will charge 4$ per litre for diesel.

What happens if I damage the Digger?

Please notify the operator A.S.A.P in the event of machine damage. In the event of a vehicle roll over please make sure you place your and others safety first and worry about the machine second. Turn the engine off and call 111 in the event of serious injury. Phone your LDH operator as soon as possible and report the incident.